Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Little Bump in the Road

Well, yesterday Vincent was doing great! They had weened him off the Oxygen to about 58 and his CO2 was staying steady at around 50. He was peeing a lot and seemed a little less swollen then he had been.

But I guess overnight he hit a "little bump in the road" (as the nurse put it). His blood pressure went down so they upped his oxygen to 80 and gave him some medication which made him swell up again. I overheard the doctor talking to the nurse and she didn't sound happy that they upped the Oxygen...she seemed to feel that they didn't need to do that. So, they began to ween him off of it again. I just left him and his Oxygen was down to about 68 but his CO2 was up to about 70.

The surgeon came by while I was there and I was able to talk to him about the plans for Friday. He said he would like to see Vincent's Oxygen go down to about 50 before they do the surgery. He said the lungs can take an impact from the surgery and he felt at 50 there would be some "wiggle room" in case they didn't tolerate the surgery well.

They put Vincent's surgery last on the schedule for Friday. He said he wanted to put him last so they can assess his condition in the morning and also so they could take more time if they need it. I'm guessing it will be later morning or early afternoon.

UCSF said they would let us stay until Friday but after that we would need to leave in order to make room for patients coming in. We weren't sure what we were going to do after that. We talked about commuting but we live about an hour and a half away and we really didn't want to be that far away from Vincent. We're on the list for the Ronald McDonald house but they give priority to those who live out of state, so we didn't have much of a chance with them. Well, an amazing thing hap pend...I just got a call from the president of the company I work for and he said that everyone at the company put together a fund for Robert and I to stay in a hotel nearby. He also said that whatever amount they receive in donations, the company would match the funds. What an amazing gift...Robert and I are so grateful! They have been so good to us through this whole thing, it's really amazing. I'm really lucky to work for such a great company...they really are like family. Thank you CPS...I love you all! :)


  1. Vincent has been in my prayers. He is one tough little warrior. Praying that he will be strong enough for surgery Friday. I remember feeling really anxious for Owain's repair surgery. Knowing that this is what he needed in order to move on and heal.Being frustrated that his surgery was scheduled and canceled three times before he finally had his repair surgery.Try and be patient I know it's not easy. Send lots of positive energy and praying praying and praying
    P.S I am so happy to hear that you don't have to worry about where your going to sleep. That is the last thing you need to be stresses over. (((hugs))

  2. OMG - I am so tearing up right now. What an amazing thing for your company to do. I am so happy for you guys, and I can only imagine how relieved you're feeling right now. Give Vincent a little smooch from me, and hugs to the two of you.

  3. I am so glad your company is doing that for you. God is watching over you

  4. Chels you deserve it! You are amazing and so great to work with. I am so lucky to work so closely with you! You and Robert need to be near Vincent now. I am sorry to hear about the "bump in the road". I will pray for smooth sailing for Friday. Thanks for all the blog updates!

  5. That's so great to hear about your company's help. At least one worry is out of the way. We are keeping fingers crossed that Vincent remains stable and that he requires less and less oxygen. We had a lot of bumps in the road with Alina and look where she is now. You guys are doing fantastic as parents and we are praying that your little one does well in surgery.

  6. What a great company you work for...I'm so glad you'll be able to be close to Vincent. I'll be praying that he's continues to be stable and is able to have his surgery on Friday.

    Also, I wanted to let you know about an organization that helps CDH parents with a NICU stay. They are called Global CDH and they have a few different programs to help CDH families. One program is called the Baby's Arrival Kit and includes items for the baby like lotion, nail clippers, baby shampoo and brush, but also a gas card and food vouchers. It's completely free all you have to do is fill out a short form. Here's the info:

    Praying for Vincent!

